IRHA Annual Conference July 30-31st Call for Presenters - Deadline Mon April 7 Topics must be related to the following areas:
Target Audience
Presentation Formats All sessions will be allotted 45 minutes, and this should include time for questions. Format Options: Research Presentation, Workshop Session, Panel Discussion (panel discussion will include at least two individuals speaking on related topics (e.g., telemedicine projects, integrated care models, oral health in rural hospitals, etc). ACCEPTANCEAcceptance: You will be notified of acceptance in late April. The IRHA reserves the right to combine sessions, make recommendations with respect to presenters, and to contact presenters regarding potential edits. If Accepted: Submitting a proposal represents a commitment to develop and deliver a presentation that is informative, relevant and useful. Accepted presenters who plan to attend the whole conference must register for the conference and will receive the discounted rate of $150, as a small gesture of our appreciation for the hard work in preparing your presentation. Presenters who are only coming for their presentation are invited to stay for one meal and do not have to register. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES Submission deadline is Monday, April 7, and must be submitted electronically through the Illinois Rural Health Association website For questions contact Margaret Vaughn, IRHA Executive Director at or 217-280-0206. |